ZET Bulletin Board

On this page you'll find all the newest info about the clan rankings tournaments and other stuff. Take a look around. No one's going to kill you for it.

Here are the topics on this page:

 Tournaments and their outcomes

 Clan Rankings

 Gamer of the Month

 Allies and Enemies

To sign up for ZET send me an email at Signup@zet.iwarp.com . I'll contact you from there. Thanks.


Tournaments and Their Outcomes

Next scheduled tournament: October 29-31, 1999

To enter in a tournament (Members Only) sign up at TournamentSignup@zet.iwarp.com . Specify your rank for easy location of your name.


Clan Rankings

Sorry but this part of the sit is still under construction!


Gamer of the Month

The Gamer of this Month (August) is Dragon_Ball. Congrats!


Previous Gamers of the Month

August 1999-----------Dragon_Ball


Allies and Enemies

So far we have no enemies or allies. Sorry.


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